The new edition of the reference guide The Shipping Law Review has been published.
Co-ordinated and edited by lawyers from English law firm Holman Fenwick Willan, the work includes contributions from internationally renowned lawyers practicing in the field of maritime law, amongst whom is Luis de San Simón, partner of San Simón & Duch.
With the participation of 36 firms from around the world, the review contains an in-depth analysis of the shipping laws of 41 jurisdictions. It also includes chapters dedicated respectively to insurance, logistics and piracy.
The aim of the book, in the words of its editors, is to provide an efficient tool for those who provide legal advice to all parties involved in the maritime industry; a book which, with a comprehensive vision, focuses on the relevant aspects of each jurisdiction.
The Spanish section was written, as mentioned, by Luis de San Simón, who says he enjoys working on this type of collaborative project, which involves “summarising and updating the knowledge acquired over a professional career”.
In his chapter, which starts with an overview of the shipping industry in Spain, de San Simón explains the very new Spanish Shipping Law, subject of a profound analysis and discussions. .
In essence, this is an essential overview of the Spanish maritime law, applicable to a sector that, in port freight traffic alone, moved 482 million tonnes of cargo last year, 2014.