The International Maritime Law Seminar celebrates its ninth edition

On 16 October, London will be hosting this year’s edition of the International Maritime Law Seminar, organised annually by Luis de San Simón, along with two other renowned lawyers, Ricardo Rozas (Chile) and Vincent M.  DeOrchis (USA).

With this, the 2014 edition, the Seminar celebrates the ninth year of an event that was born with the aim of being a modest forum for debate and analysis of the leading questions of the day for all maritime sector professionals.

The Seminar has now grown to the point where it is one of the leading legal events of its kind in the British capital.

With more then 300 participants having already registered “everything points to it being a huge success” said Luis de San Simón, the event’s main sponsor.

The speakers come from around the world, and all have one thing in common: they are renowned, prestigious lawyers from the world’s leading maritime law firms. The moderators, meanwhile, are distinguished professionals from the marine insurance industry.

The 14 speakers will analyse, over three sessions, recent developments in Maritime Law in various jurisdictions. In the case of Spain, the focus will be on the recently approved Spanish Maritime Law, which came into force on 25 September 2014.


12:00 – 13:00 Registration Gibsons Hall. 13 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3BA, United Kingdom

Anmne Buhl Bjelke – Bech-Bruun, Denmark. «Big data and the Maritime Industry»

Ricardo Rozas – Jorquiera & Rozas, Chile. «The New Chilean insurance law and its implications for the shipping industry»

Enrique Garza – Garza Tello & Asociados S.C, Mexico. «The Mexican Energy Reform»

Pawel Mickiewicz – Marek Czernis & Co Law Office, Poland. «Recent jurisprudence on arrests of ships»

Christophe Nicolas – Richemont Nicolas & Associés, France. «Latest developments in French Maritime Law»

Dr. Olaf Hartenstein – Dabelstein & Passehl, Germany. «New 2013 ECJ case law requires immediate action – or immediate «torpedos»

Eugene J. O’Connor – Montgomery McCracken, USA. «There’s a New Sherriff in Town: The US EPA Steps Up Enforcement of Sulphur Emissions Regulations»

Amitava Majumdar – Bose & Mitra & Co, India. «Arbitration in India – a catch 22 situation?»

Adrián J. Dabinovic – DABINOVIC – Lawyers, Argentina. “Bulk cargoes and Customs Fines in Argentina”

Francisco J. Linares – Morgan & Morgan, Panama. “Injunctive Relief under Panamanian Admiralty Law”

Aldo Mordiglia – Studio Legale Mordiglia, Italy. “Recent developments in Italy on the wreck removal laws and legislation”

Luis de San Simón – San Simón & Duch, Spain. “The new Spanish Maritime Law”

Charlotte van Steenderen – Van Steenderen MainportLawyers, Netherlands. “De-bunkering in the Netherlands”

Godofredo Mendes Vianna – Kincaid | Mendes Vianna Advocados, Brazil. “The Brazilian Maritime Law Reform and the New Liability Regime”

Mitchell S. Griffin – Cox Wootton Lerner Griffin Hansen & Poulos LLP, USA. “The spread of punitive damages claims in U.S: seamen’s suits since Atlantic Sounding V. Townsend”